Intention Wudu = audio, lafadz and translation Adhan = lafadz and audio translation with melodious chanting the call to prayer from various parts of the world. The entire audio can be heard offline, do not need the Internet network so that more practical, not bothered by the quality of the Internet network.Ĭontents Reading IND application include: Highly recommended to be a collection of digital applications in your smarthphone to help learning reading prayer 5 times (fard prayer reading / reading the obligatory prayers). Prayer Reading Application is an application that contains a complete prayer readings with accompanying audio sound readings, lafadz and translation.

Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua, Amiin. Selamat mendownload Aplikasi Bacaan Sholat. Surat surat pendek Al Quran = audio, lafadz dan terjemahan surat-surat pendek Alqur'an yang biasa dibaca pada saat sholat. Bacaan sholat (bacaan sholat fardhu / bacaan sholat 5 waktu / bacaan sholat wajib) = audio, lafadz dan terjemahan bacaan dalam sholat Niat Wudhu = audio, lafadz dan terjemahan Adzan = lafadz dan terjemahan dengan audio lantunan merdu suara adzan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Seluruh audio bisa didengarkan secara offline, tidak perlu jaringan internet sehingga lebih praktis, tidak direpotkan dengan kualitas jaringan internet.ĭaftar isi aplikasi Bacaan Sholat antara lain : Sangat direkomendasikan untuk menjadi koleksi aplikasi digital di smarthphone anda untuk membantu pembelajaran bacaan sholat 5 waktu ( bacaan sholat fardhu / bacaan sholat wajib). thanks.Aplikasi Bacaan Sholat merupakan aplikasi yang berisi bacaan sholat lengkap dengan disertai audio suara bacaan, lafadz dan terjemahannya. with this application we can learn and do better charity. Offline app does not require internet connectionĪlhamdulillah. The law of reciting the prayer qunut is sunna ab'ad (sunnah which is required to be done and if forgot not read it is disunnatkan for prostration syahwi). But there are also qunut prayers that are read when there is a disaster (qunut nazilah). The law of reciting qunut prayer is circumcision ab'ad (circumcision demanded).

General knowing qunut prayer is read on iktidal rakaat second time dawn prayer. One of the most noticeable is more and more users of smartphones, therefore we make the application Prayer Qunut Subuh in order to provide additional knowledge for us all. The application has made it easy to memorize and learn the meaning and advantages of Qunut Subuh prayer in Mp3 and Text format.įrom the advancement of technology, especially the widespread coverage of the Internet makes us more easily obtain information.